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by Vickie LaFollette
Program Analyst, Children, Youth and Families, Department of Defense

This is the time of year where military families are moving to their next duty station. As military service providers, we are aware this can be a challenging, stressful and yet exciting time for our military families.

It can be stressful as they leave familiar homes, neighbors, support systems, schools, churches and the like. It can be a challenge as they receive orders, schedule movers to transport belongings; and schedule flights for overseas destinations or drive cross country to their next duty station.

Sometimes we focus on the challenges versus the exciting times which may lay ahead such as: exploring new countries or states, meeting new neighbors and work colleagues as well as building/enhancing personal or professional skills.

We know that connecting our military families to services, programs, information and resources is invaluable as they navigate the moving process and succeed in their new journey. Many of our families, potentially new or young military families, may not be familiar with the below list of resources. This list is not all inclusive — let us know of other resources you’d add.

(1) Military & Family Support Centers provide information, resources and assistance – related to finances employment, relocations and moving with a family member with special needs
(2) MilitaryINSALLATIONS provides important information, contacts and links about installations.
(3) Plan My Move is a companion to MilitaryINSTALLATIONS and provides customizable tools, resources and checklists.
(4) Military OneSource has many sources of information, especially on the moving page. Check out the benefits and resources sections.
(5) is the Department of Defense’s global website for managing one’s move
(6) Installation housing offices and provide assistance and information on housing options
(7) sign up for childcare before you arrive at your next duty station
(8) School Liaison Officers assist parents and children as they transition to a new school settings
(9) Defense Travel Management Office provides information on allowance tables, per diem and tools to help plan moves
(10) Military Kids Connect is an online community specifically for children ages 6-17
(11) Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) offers support and resources for military spouses looking for employment and education opportunities

Ms. LaFollette works for the Office of Military Community and Family Policy, Department of Defense. She also plays an important role as a team member of OneOp- Family Transitions concentration area.