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By Jason M. Jowers, MS, MFT, & Kacy Mixon, PhD

For an outsider, military culture and language can sometimes be difficult to navigate. There are all sorts of terms and lingo that carry great meaning for military personnel and their families but don’t necessarily carry over to civilian life. This sheds light on why it’s important for civilian professionals, such as educators, healthcare providers, and mental health professionals to become knowledgeable and aware of these differences. PsychArmor Institute, this month’s featured resource, provides training and information for civilians on military cultural competency.

What is the PsychArmor Institute?

The PsychArmor Institute is a national nonprofit organization that provides free online education courses for caregivers and professionals that work with military service members, veterans, and military families. Their courses are self-paced and their course library has topics specifically geared towards healthcare providers, employers, caregivers, and families, volunteers, and educators, including K-12. Other courses focus primarily on understanding military culture. Along with their online educational resources, PsychArmor also provides a clinical support center, comprised of a team of clinicians and mental health professionals that can assist in many different situations.

Want to Learn More?

Be sure to check out the PsychArmor Institute and their full course library here.

Find a course that can help bridge the gap between civilians and the military with courses on PTSD, depression, caregiving, couples and intimacy, stress, and many more!

This post was written by Jason M. Jowers & Dr. Kacy Mixon of OneOp. Their team aims to support the development of professionals working with military families. Find out more about OneOp on our Facebook and Twitter.

Blog Image: Photo from Pixabay [Military Ranks by skeeze, February 28, 2015, CC0]