Prioritizing the health and well-being of military families has always been important. This includes giving Service members the tools to excel both in their military careers as well as to thrive at home with their families. Managing this balance can be especially difficult for families during times of tough transitions. Military families are familiar with this in forms of deployments, as military members and their families navigate being gone from their families to being back home and from military life to civilian life.
An organization that has paved the way for providing both evidence and strength-based services and programs to military families is the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State. The Clearinghouse is an applied research facility that was specifically designed to help professionals working to support and strengthen the health and well-being of military Service members, veterans, and their families.
One of the tools created by the Clearinghouse is the Continuum of Evidence. The homepage explains the purpose of the tool as: a “repository of programs that have been reviewed by Clearinghouse research and evaluation scientists. Programs are placed on the Continuum with descriptions to help individuals who serve military families make informed decisions regarding how to best serve these unique and valuable families.” The Continuum is a one-stop shop for a multitude of programs on a variety of topics such as PTSD, deployment, injury, sleep, sexual assault, and many more. The programs can be searched by topic and by target populations. It really is a fantastic resource when looking for help when facilitating work with Service members and their families.
To highlight the work of the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness, OneOp invites you to join our next webinar entitled “ Using Evidence-Based Programs to Best Support Military Families: An Intro to the Continuum of Evidence.” This webinar will focus on the Continuum of Evidence at the ClearinghouseThis training will be presented by Dr. Daniel Perkins, Principal Scientist and Founder of the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness and Professor of Family and Youth Resiliency and Policy at Penn State University.
Also joining from Clearinghouse will be Dr. Melissa Zack, Research and Evaluation Scientist, and Jennifer Smith, Implementation Specialist. They will be discussing all the available resources and tools provided by the Continuum for professionals in their practice when working with military families. As always, free continuing education opportunities are available! Head on over to the event webpage to RSVP for our August 20th live webinar session and get all the info you need for CE credits. We hope you can join us!
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