Suicide is the second leading cause of death for adolescents in the United States. Research indicates that adolescents in military families have higher rates of suicidal behaviors than their non-military peers. However, many suicides are preventable. We can intentionally build, mobilize, and maintain protective factors, recognize and respond to warning signs, and sustain a safety net of connection in our communities to better support military children, adolescents, and their families.
This webinar explores the who and how of building a safety net for youth who may be at risk for suicide. Discussions include thinking comprehensively about how communities can work collaboratively with military service providers and mental health services to support military youth and families. This presentation focuses on understanding the risk factors and warning signs, mobilizing protective factors in your community, and creating a collaborative support network. The presenter discusses key questions such as: Who is already involved? Who is appropriate to include? What is their role and readiness? Who can give consent? How do we get started?
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:
- List warning signs of suicide risk in youth
- Discuss factors that are protective against suicide and how to mobilize them
- Describe collaborative safety planning for a youth who is at risk for suicide
- Identify steps toward building a collaborative network of supportive adults and services