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Format: Practicing Connection Podcast

New Year, New Co-host

Jessica and new co-host Coral welcome the new year and discuss the value of small, consistent practices for growth and connection.

Habit Stacking

Learn how you can adopt new habits by pairing them with existing ones.

The 1-Minute Agreement

Discover the "one-minute agreement," a simple practice to build consistency, overcome inertia, and tackle big goals with bite-sized steps.

Boost Your Productivity with Co-working

Discover how structured co-working can boost focus, accountability, and connection. In this episode, Jessica shares a simple, step-by-step approach to implementing this powerful practice.

Move On From Mistakes with the 10-10-10 Rule

Discover how structured co-working can boost focus, accountability, and connection. In this episode, Jessica shares a simple, step-by-step approach to implementing this powerful practice.