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Intersections of Resilience and Vulnerability: A Study of over 1000 Youth in Military Families

Transition and change are hallmarks of life in military families, and youth and their families continually navigate and negotiate the demands related to military service. In the face of challenges, military families demonstrate remarkable coping and resilience. Family science researchers at The University of Georgia have conducted two recent studies...

Facebook Live: Savings Challenge Kick Off

Dr. Michael Gutter will give some tips and ideas to launch the kick-off of the 30-Days of Savings Challenge, presented by OneOp's Personal Finance concentration area. To join the event, follow the OneOp Personal Finance Facebook page. Sign up to join the 30-day challenge here. Presenters Michael Gutter

2017 Virtual Conference

Learning through Change Watch session recordings or access descriptions and event materials on the OneOp Virtual Conference homepage. Questions? Email us at Check out social media conversations around the virtual conference by searching #MFLNVC

Knowledge into Action

OneOp Virtual Conference Follow-up Activity Planning This discussion-based session is a follow-up to the OneOp Virtual Conference: Learning through Change. All session and keynotes archives are available via the conference homepage. Several participants in the virtual conference expressed an interest in participating in additional social learning activities to extend the conference...

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