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By: Molly Herndon, MS and Jason M. Jowers, MS MFT

Pixabay[Christmas Snowman by PublicDomainPictures on April 5, 2014, CC0]

Pixabay[Christmas Snowman by PublicDomainPictures on April 5, 2014, CC0]

The holiday season is here and with it comes holiday cheer and, often, holiday stress. Self-care is very important in working through emotional and financial stress during the holidays. Read more about ways to manage holiday stress here.

The holiday season is a great time to talk with your kids about money. When children ask for big-ticket items, use the moment as an opportunity to talk about money and budgeting. Dr. Jennifer Hunter shares some great tips on Holiday Shopping on a Budget in this podcast.

Neale Godfrey, our latest presenter in our Family Finances webinar series, is an expert in raising financially responsible children. Godfrey’s recent webinar covered ways our own financial management style influences our children’s, and ways we can improve their understanding of smart money management. The recording of this webinar is available now. Click here to watch the recording and to find quizzes and other resources to support parents working to teach their children financial responsibility, under Event Materials.

Charity is a huge component in instilling the values of giving back to their community and to those less fortunate. Look for ways you and your children can work together to benefit those in need this season. And don’t forget, one of your most important asset to share with others is your time – this is an important lesson to share with kids, too.  Here is a list of volunteer opportunities for families.


This blog was written by Molly Herndon, Programming Coordinator for OneOp Personal Finance and Jason Jowers, Programming Specialist for OneOp Family Development.