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by Crystal Williams, Ed.M.

Early intervention (EI) service delivery has had to adapt over the last year to mitigate the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. In some states, forms of remote service delivery, such as telehealth have been implemented in order to safely meet the needs of young children with disabilities and their families. Telehealth is generally defined as an alternative to providing services in-person using audio and/or video to connect providers with caregivers to support a child’s development within daily routines and activities [1]. The regulations for using telehealth vary and change frequently based on a state’s COVID-19 guidelines. It is important for early intervention providers to stay up-to-date and knowledgeable about their state’s guidelines.

Early intervention providers currently engaging in telehealth practices can support other providers who may have only recently begun to provide services in this manner. This blog post series highlights questionnaire responses from EI providers known to this author from across disciplines and states to the following questions: (a) What’s going well? (b) What are the challenges? (c) What resources do you use? and (d) What supports do you need? To read earlier posts in this series, click on the hyperlinked text in the previous sentence. This week addresses resources providers found useful when conducting telehealth visits.

What resources do you use?

Coaching Resources

Resources for Families

Online Professional Trainings and Webinars

This blog post is the third in this series related to EI telehealth services.  The first and second posts in the series can be found using the hyperlinks. The final post in this series will address the supports that EI providers feel they still need to be implemented in order to deliver services via telehealth in an effective manner.

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