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By: Kalin Goble, MS


The journey on the road of parenthood paints a colorful patchwork picture that is as varied as the wildflower fields that spring up along our national highways. Before we are born, parents and our parental caregivers are already shaping who we will become. Parents are foundational figures in our development. They guide how we learn to live in the world emotionally, socially, mentally, physically, and oftentimes spiritually.

National Parents’ Day is recognized every fourth Sunday in July. Established nationally in 1994, this day is designated to “recognize, uplift and support the role of parents in the rearing of children” (National Today, 2022). If you are unfamiliar with this day designated for parents, think of it as a day that combines both Mother’s and Father’s day into one celebration of caregiving!

There are more than 2.6 million U.S. military family members globally. As a provider, your connection with your clients and greater communities is also important in supporting healthy, engaged parents and caregivers. Below are some resources to bolster your conversations and support of those navigating the ever-shifting journey of parenthood.

Resources for Parents:

  • Service providers can be a formative figure for adults growing as parents. Connecting parents to appropriate resources can help them find additional assistance, including health benefits. This Parenting topic page from Military OneSource provides a comprehensive list of resources for military parenting. This MilitaryOneSource page on Parenting and Children also provides resources and a quick-click list of benefit options offered to military members and their families.
  • Frequent moves and relocations are standard for military families. Whether enlisted themselves or a spouse, military parents may feel extra disconnected from their social and familial groups. Today’s Military webpage focusing on Support for Parents may offer your clients ideas on connecting to other military parents managing similar lifestyles.
  • Equimundo is a global organization working to promote patterns of care, empathy, and healthy engagement among masculinities. This report on the Role of Fathers in Parenting for Gender Equality provides evidence-informed resources on how positive father engagement is associated with healthy early child development outcomes as well as improved quality of family environment and relationships.

We hope these resources enrichen your arsenal of tools. As you meet with mothers, fathers, and caregivers, we invite you to spend some special time celebrating their journey of parenthood. Just like the summer flowers growing wild in the fields, or growing resiliently through the pavement, the journey of parenthood is vibrant, yet difficult. Through the challenges and successes of life, parents guide our truest progression of growth.


National Today. (2022). National Parents’ Day – July 24, 2022. Retrieved from: 

Cover Image: Parents helping their daughter get ready for school from Pexels