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The Importance of Nutrition in Breast Cancer Survivorship

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States; fortunately, survival rates continue to improve over time. A breast cancer diagnosis often raises many questions and concerns about diet and nutrition. Do you know the latest in nutrition issues that occur during breast cancer treatment and...


Reduce Your Risk of Cognitive Decline as You Age

Cognitive decline is a source of fear and mystery for many adults, especially older adults. However, confronting that fear and solving that mystery may be easier than you think. Research on memory has started to focus less on the mechanics of the brain and more on understanding how lifestyle factors,...


Using the Feeling Wheel to Know Your Emotions

In this practicast, Practicing Connection co-host, Jessica Beckendorf, guides us through how to use the Feeling Wheel, a free, printable resource, to help us identify what we are feeling.

What Lights You Up?

Learn how to use the question, "What Lights You Up?" to begin to find a sense of purpose. Research shows that having a sense of purpose boosts our resilience. And knowing your purpose can lead to better relationships and collaborations.

Grounding Chair Meditation

Join us in a grounding chair meditation, a practice that can help reduce stress levels in the moment, while helping to restore calm.

Energy & Engagement Tracking

Learn more about energy and engagement tracking, a practice to help align your life with the things that are really meaningful to you.

Fostering Connection in Meetings

Jessica and Bob talk about why generosity is important in collaboration and share a practice for reflecting on your own generosity.

Share Your Work

Jessica and Bob talk about the benefits of sharing your work with others and share a practice for getting started.