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Woking out loud elements: "1. Relationships are the heart of WOL. The path to knowledge is via others. 2. Generosity. We are wired for reciprocal altruism. The currency of real networking is generosity. 3. Visible Work. Amplify who you are & what you do - it extends your reach. 4. Purposeful Discovery. Having a learning goal in mind orients your activities. 5. Growth Mindset. Develop and open, curious approach to work & life."

That’s a Wrap! 5 Ways the Building Networks for Resilience Learning Experience Has Potential for Lasting Impact

By Community Engagement

The final installment of the Building Networks for Resilience Learning Experience wrapped up on April 10, 2018 with a lively conversation, connecting participants through meaningful sense-making and sharing. The agenda was co-created by participants, and everyone that signed up for the podcasts and webinars was able to take advantage of sharing their thoughts and insights before, during, and after the learning experience through email, voicemail, social media, and BoardThing.

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Two babies looking at each other

Getting to Know You: A Follow-Up on Speech Development

By Health and Well-Being

Infants spend much of their very first year getting to know their caregivers, as caregivers get to know them! Even after a few weeks of life, sensitive and nurturing parents know what their baby likes and doesn’t like, their habits, their temperaments, and their quirks as they watch development unfold rapidly. While my own children are bigger now, I love watching my friends get to know their own newborns.  I follow their postings on Facebook as they muse over the way their newborn sleeps with his eyes partially open, or the funny sounds she makes after eating just before falling asleep.

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