The preschool years are a time of rapid motor and cognitive development. Some children, particularly children with disabilities, may need structured support to develop foundational skills in these domains. Preschool teachers can help their students develop motor and cognitive skills by integrating them into their daily curriculum.
Balancing the demands of caregiving with your own well-being can be a challenging task. However, by implementing effective tips and strategies, caregivers can seamlessly integrate essential respite moments into their daily routines, ensuring both their own health and the quality of care they provide.
Family stress is defined as any stressor that concerns one of more members of the family, or the whole system, at a defined time (Randall & Bodenmann, 2013). When families experience stress, it can reduce their capacity for providing a nurturing environment for their children, which in turn can impact their children’s mental health and development. In the short-term, unaddressed family stress can affect a child’s ability to regulate their emotions and behavior (Cohen & Roderick Stark, 2017).
Personal Finance Managers routinely answer questions from clients about income taxes. While January through April is considered “tax season,” May through December is time for tax planning. A key thing service members need to know is types of income and how they are taxed.
Rejuvenating the Caregiver: The Significance of Respite Care in Sustaining Well-being & Quality Care
Caregiving can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be physically and emotionally draining, leading to burnout and decreased well-being. A vital, but often overlooked, aspect of caregiving is respite: taking a break or having a temporary relief from caregiving responsibilities. Respite helps provide caregivers with much-needed physical, emotional, and mental relief from the demands of their caregiving responsibilities.
The statistics are startling! Among U.S. active-duty service members and their families, almost 26% are food insecure. Food insecurity means that someone’s diet has reduced quality, variety, or desirability (low food security) or there are multiple disruptions of eating patterns and reduced food intake (very low food security).
Despite sleep being vital for humans, more than one-third of the world’s adult population sleeps less than 7 hours a night. Sleep restriction can increase the risk of weight gain, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes (van Egmond et al., 2023).
Conflict is a normal and regular part of collaboration and teaming. While most of us would rather avoid conflict at all costs, healthy conflict can strengthen teams, increase creativity of team members, and create meaningful change (Friend, 2020).
“Financial advice deserts” (FADs) which, like food deserts, provide people with little or no access, in this case to financial advice. The study used data from multiple sources about the availability of CFP® professionals and financial behaviors of survey respondents in various states.
We will soon be rolling into September, and with it comes all the ways we transition into new routines or back into old routines. The school year is also kicking off for many families which means keeping up with scheduling, including meal planning and school lunches. It always amazes me how much time meal planning takes for me and my family.