February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and an integral part of promoting healthy relationships among teens is talking about consent. According to Teen Dating Violence @TeenDVMonth, “Approximately one in three high school students will be involved in abusive relationships” (2021).
An estimated 5% of the 1.76 million youth in military families identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer. Surveyed LGBTQ youth with a parent currently serving in the military that experienced high levels of family support reported lower mental health challenges and suicide risk (Trevor Project, 2022). When youth feel safe at home, their mental wellness is significantly improved. Fostering healthy family relationships translates into protective factors for younger and older family members alike.
The reunion of military couples following deployment is a long-awaited occasion marked by joy, relief, and celebration. However, the reintegration period constitutes a pivotal transition for military couples, and navigating the relationship changes that occur following homecoming can be very challenging.
A key message that Personal Financial Managers must impart to service members is that everyone is responsible for securing their own personal identification information to reduce the risk of fraud. By the time law enforcement or government agencies get involved, data and/or money have already been stolen. Below are seven strategies to reduce the risk of fraud:
It’s a new year and many of us are getting back into the swing of things after the recent holiday break. Everyone is getting back to work prioritizing their to-do lists for the upcoming year. Many military service members and their families are doing the same. There are many great benefits to serving in the military, for service members and their families as well. Career and educational opportunities as well as fulfilling a sense of purpose.
By Alex Hietpas and Lynne Knobloch-Fedders Reunion following deployment is a momentous occasion for military service members and their partners. However, homecoming is only the first day of a long and important transition for military couples, and navigating the relationship changes that occur can be quite challenging. A recent study…
Infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) refers to the development of secure relationships with adults and peers, the ability to manage and express a range of emotions, and explore their environment in the context of their family, community, and culture (Zero to Three, 2017). This four-part webinar series for 2023 defines IECMH and provides participants with important knowledge, awareness, strategies, and tools to support the healthy socioemotional development of children ages birth to 5 years old.
About the Series: Approximately 80-90% of school-aged children in military families attend school in their local school district. [1] [2] [3] Students and their families face unique circumstances related to military service and individual educational needs. A variety of education and family support professionals exist on the military installation and…
On an evaluation survey from a recent OneOp webinar, a participant indicated an interest in learning strategies to “liven up” financial education briefings and increase participant interaction.
Below are a dozen interactive teaching methods for Personal Financial Managers (PFMs) to consider: