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Middle School kids in hallway

Go Beyond the Webinar| Preventing the Onset of Youth Problem Sexual Behaviors

By Community Engagement

The goals of this webinar focused primarily on an introduction to the school-based universal prevention program called Responsible Behavior with Younger Children (RBYC), which can be used to prevent problematic sexual behavior directed towards younger children and also peers. Problematic sexual behavior (PSB) of children and youth, as well as child sexual abuse (CSA), is a preventable public health problem that is addressed in this webinar.

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A young boy and a female caregiver sit on the floor with a laptop for online learning

Virtual EI Service Delivery: Insights from Service Providers and Families

By Community Engagement

When early intervention (EI) abruptly shifted from in-person to virtual services during the pandemic, many providers worked quickly to transfer their skills to the new modality, but few had training in virtual service provision. Providers reported that they had to quickly hone their coaching skills to make virtual visits work. While some providers reported that this modality shift created the opportunity for more family engagement during EI visits, others reported that many families couldn’t access virtual EI visits. 

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