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Putting EI/ECSE Standards into Practice: Tips & Resources for Standard 3

By Community Engagement

The Division for Early Childhood of the Council of Exceptional Children, the leading professional organization in EI/ECSE, spearheaded efforts to develop the EI/ECSE standards.  It is important for all early childhood professionals to be familiar with these standards to provide the support needed for individual children with disabilities and their families. In this blog series, we discuss each standard, prompt questions for reflection, and provide tips and resources that professionals can use to ensure their practices align with the EI/ECSE standards.

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Putting EI/ECSE Standards into Practice: Tips & Resources for Standard 2

By Community Engagement

The Division for Early Childhood of the Council of Exceptional Children, the leading professional organization in EI/ECSE, spearheaded efforts to develop the EI/ECSE standards.  It is important for all early childhood professionals to be familiar with these standards to provide the support needed for individual children with disabilities and their families. In this blog series, we discuss each standard, prompt questions for reflection, and provide tips and resources that professionals can use to ensure their practices align with the EI/ECSE standards.

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Image of mother and children

Resources for Supporting and Uplifting Families Impacted by Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence

By Health and Well-Being

Supporting parents, children, and families is the cornerstone of family advocacy work. Daily stressors are hard enough to navigate and process. Daily stressors in the time of COVID, more so. Life becomes even more complex for those experiencing or impacted by domestic violence (DV). Domestic violence impacts individuals at every age, across all backgrounds, but women and children face disproportionate adverse effects of this violence.

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