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Putting EI/ECSE Standards into Practice: Tips & Resources for Standard 1

By Community Engagement

The Division for Early Childhood of the Council of Exceptional Children, the leading professional organization in EI/ECSE, spearheaded efforts to develop the EI/ECSE standards.  It is important for all early childhood professionals to be familiar with these standards to provide the support needed for individual children with disabilities and their families. In this blog series, we discuss each standard, prompt questions for reflection, and provide tips and resources that professionals can use to ensure their practices align with the EI/ECSE standards.

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Two children walking down path through woods

Resource Discovery: National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth

By Community Engagement

These conversations led us to the National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth (NCSBY) and our collaboration with NCSBY has shaped many topics and resources that we have shared in our webinars in this series. Their Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems Program is a program that targets late childhood and early adolescence for implementing evidence-based, coordinated, comprehensive management and intervention strategies to address problematic sexual behavior of youth, the effects on child victims, and their families. Without the support, content, and fantastic presenters from NCSBY, our SBCY Series would not have been possible.

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OneOp Sexual Behavior in Children & Youth (SBCY) Series So Far

By Community Engagement

The OneOp Sexual Behavior in Children & Youth (SBCY) Series is still ongoing through 2021!

As our OneOp team continues our conversation on age-appropriate sexual development of youth and working with children and youth exhibiting problematic sexual behavior (PSB), our upcoming SBCY webinars will continue to delve into new areas of focus regarding PSB-CY (problematic sexual behavior of children and youth).

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