The current worldwide prevalence of PCOS is estimated to be 8 – 13%. However, there continues to be substantial debate over the most appropriate criteria to diagnose the condition, as well as differences in how PCOS is evaluated across providers, health centers, and countries.
All family members should be respected, valued, and supported. Siblings of children with autism need to feel informed as well as other family members. Siblings should be encouraged to advocate for their needs and the needs of their sibling with autism. Learning how to relate to or interact with their sibling with autism may be another area in which support is needed.
For a long time, it has been common knowledge that stress kills. Scientific knowledge has come to the forefront while attempting to answer how stress mediates this effect. Indeed, there are now enormous research efforts examining the relationships and mechanisms by which psychological stress mediates decreased longevity.
Finding products that are gluten free used to be such a hard task. But with people being more aware of gluten in their diets (celiac and non celiac people alike) as well as the FDA stepping in on the manner, it has made finding gluten in food and non-food products much easier.
By: Khushbu Patel Combat deployments have become more frequent and longer than prior deployments since the onset of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. And with these deployments, military service members are spending more time away from their families and there are transitional periods for all family members that take…
The winter months with cold, wet, dark and windy weather can lead to seasonal depression and an overall feeling of melancholy. Research has shown that living a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise can boost your mood not only in the winter months but all year round.