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TBI & the Military

By Health and Well-Being
Written by: Mason Gold, Intern, OneOp Military Caregiving concentration. March is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) awareness month and according to the Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence (TBICoE), over 430,000 service members have sustained a TBI. In the military, service members can sustain a TBI not only in combat operations...
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SBCY Series Logo

Go Beyond the Webinar| Overview of Treatment for Children Impacted by Problematic Sexual Behavior of Other Youth

By Health and Well-Being

On February 25th, 2021, OneOp hosted the latest webinar in the Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth Series entitled “Overview of Treatment for Children Impacted by Problematic Sexual Behavior of Other Youth.” This webinar was a great next installment in our Sexual Behavior in Children & Youth (SBCY) Series, which has been ongoing since May 2019 and coming up on two years running!

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Young girl with tablet

Early Intervention Telehealth: Thoughts from Providers – Part Four

By Community Engagement

When the COVID-19 pandemic began early in 2020, early intervention (EI) systems had to transform their service delivery model almost overnight. Over time, some states have been able to put in place forms of remote service delivery, such as telehealth in order to safely meet the needs of young children with disabilities and their families. Telehealth is generally defined as an alternative to providing services in-person using audio and/or video to connect providers with caregivers to support a child’s development within daily routines and activities [1].

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March is Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month

Resource Discovery: Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month

By Health and Well-Being

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month and with that comes lots of great resources, specifically for military families. Traumatic brain injuries received during combat affect about 1.7 million military service members and veterans annually, according to the CDC (2020). Also, the possibility of sustaining a TBI is increased for military service members in comparison to their civilian contemporaries. With the increased likelihood or possibility of military service members sustaining a traumatic brain injury, we wanted to share a few resources we have found that can provide help and information during this useful awareness month.

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mother and daughter with tablet

Early Intervention Telehealth: Thoughts from Providers – Part Three

By Community Engagement

Early intervention (EI) service delivery has had to adapt over the last year to mitigate the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. In some states, forms of remote service delivery, such as telehealth have been implemented in order to safely meet the needs of young children with disabilities and their families. Telehealth is generally defined as an alternative to providing services in-person using audio and/or video to connect providers with caregivers to support a child’s development within daily routines and activities [1].

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