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Helping Families Start on a Journaling Journey

By Health and Well-Being

Finding easy, accessible ways to communicate and connect becomes difficult during times of great stress. Journaling is one technique that can help. Journaling has many benefits to both physical wellness and mental health. These benefits include reducing stress, improving mood and communication skills, and helping with the healthy processing of feelings, thoughts, and emotions.

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Extension Disaster Education Network Provides Valuable Resources

By Community Engagement
by Sara Croymans & Lori Hendrickson, Extension Educators, Family Development - Resiliency, University of Minnesota Extension The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is a network of extension professionals interested in disaster education and programming. EDEN works to help make disaster preparation and recovery easier by collaborating and sharing disaster education...
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young girl looking at tablet

Early Intervention Telehealth: Thoughts from Providers – Part Two

By Community Engagement

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the delivery of early intervention (EI) services. To safely meet the needs of young children with disabilities and their families, some states have been able to implement forms of remote service delivery, such as telehealth. Telehealth is generally defined as an alternative to providing services in-person using audio and/or video to connect providers with caregivers to support a child’s development within daily routines and activities [1].

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