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Navigating the Ever-Changing Reality of Youth Tech Use

By Military Service and Family Life

As our Sexual Behaviors in Children and Youth (SBCY) Series continues to evolve, our training has expanded to include a focus on healthy relationships and tech use. In our SBCY training, “Supporting Youth to Set Healthy Boundaries with Technology,” Jasmine Uribe discussed how technology is used to harm teens and youth. Focusing on youth around ages 12 and up, she delivered training on what caring adults can do to educate and equip the teens in their lives to prevent and/or end technology-facilitated abuse.

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Communication Methods for Low Health Literacy Patients

By Health and Well-Being

According to the CDC, health literacy is defined as “the degree to which an individual has the capacity to obtain, communicate, process, and understand basic health information and services to make appropriate health decisions”. It is essential for dietitians and other health professionals to be aware of their patients’ health literacy in order to maximize the amount of information communicated with the patient.

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Mother and daughter talking in a garden

Military Families and Reestablishing Normalcy: Returning to Routines amidst COVID-19 for Families with Teens

By Health and Well-Being

Adaptability is a trait that members of military families need to be able to pick up quickly. But change can come fast, and military families can struggle with transitions.  With these transitions, what are some of the best ways we as professionals can help military families specifically, with re-establishing some sense of normalcy and to help maintain routines during reopening amid the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis?

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Principal greeting young student

In-Person Learning for Young Children During a Pandemic

By Health and Well-Being

Across the country, many schools are beginning a new year that will look different than previous ones.  Due to COVID-19, there are new rules and expectations in place for children and adults. These changes may lead to behavioral challenges for young children in childcare, preschool, and early intervention settings. In this blog post, we will focus on potential challenges early childhood professionals and families may experience when working with young children in-person.

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Promo for Continuum of Evidence; Military Family Reunion

Go Beyond the Webinar| Using Evidence-Based Programs to Best Support Military Families: An Intro to the Continuum of Evidence

By Community Engagement

On August 20th, 2020, OneOp hosted, “Using Evidence-Based Programs to Best Support Military Families: An Intro to the Continuum of Evidence.” In this webinar, we were joined by Dr. Daniel Perkins, Dr. Melissa Zack, and Jennifer Smith from the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State University. Their goal was to share Clearinghouse’s Continuum of Evidence, a repository of programs designed to be used by professionals across the board to enhance military family readiness and resilience.

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