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Chronic Kidney Disease

By Health and Well-Being

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) occurs when the kidneys lose their ability to function properly over time (Pan American Health Organization, 2022). The kidneys, a pair of organs that remove waste substances from the body, also perform other functions including controlling blood pressure and helping to make red blood cells (Raghavendra et al., 2013).

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Happy kids enjoying summer camp together in the mountains: they are camping, playing and learning together, diversity and education concept

Find Adventure This Summer with Military Kid And Teen Summer Camps

By Military Service and Family Life

Summertime is here! The school year is currently wrapping up for many families and communities, and kids are about to be let loose for another fun-filled summer. The question is: what to do with all that free time during the summer months? How about summer camp! Summer camps are a great way for kids and teens to learn new things, meet new friends, and participate in fun, outdoor activities.

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