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The word "myth" spelling with wooden block letters

Ask an Expert Series: Dispelling Myths Related to Dual Language Learners

By Community Engagement

Education professionals desire quality resources and information related to dual language learners.  In order to provide that, we reached out to Elizabeth D. Peña, Ph.D. at the University of California, Irvine.   Dr. Peña, a certified Speech-Language Pathologist, is a professor in the School of Education.  She is also an American Speech Language Hearing Association Fellow. Her research focuses include bilingualism, language impairment, language development, and assessment bias & measurement.  In this three-part blog series Dr. Peña hopes to answer your questions and help dispel common myths.

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Mother and father with young son

Ask an Expert Series: Supporting Dual Language Children and Families

By Health and Well-Being

Education professionals desire quality resources and information related to dual language learners.  In order to provide that, we reached out to Elizabeth D. Peña, Ph.D. at the University of California, Irvine.   Dr. Peña, a certified Speech-Language Pathologist, is a professor in the School of Education.  She is also an American Speech Language Hearing Association Fellow. Her research focuses include bilingualism, language impairment, language development, and assessment bias & measurement.  In this three-part blog series Dr. Peña hopes to answer your questions and help dispel common myths.

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Word cloud with the word "hello" in many different languages

Ask an Expert Series: Serving Dual Language Children and Families

By Community Engagement

Education professionals desire quality resources and information related to dual language learners.  In order to provide that, we reached out to Elizabeth D. Peña, Ph.D. at the University of California, Irvine.   Dr. Peña, a certified Speech-Language Pathologist, is a professor in the School of Education.  She is also an American Speech Language Hearing Association Fellow. Her research focuses include bilingualism, language impairment, language development, and assessment bias & measurement.  In this three-part blog series Dr. Peña hopes to answer your questions and help dispel common myths.

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Convertible car with a For Sale sign in the window

Buying a Car: Tips for Service Members

By Military Service and Family Life

By Barbara O’Neill, Ph.D., CFP®, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, [email protected] Personal Financial Management (PFM) program staff often counsel military families about the financial implications of “big ticket” purchases. “Big ticket” means that items cost more than most people can afford from a single paycheck including furniture, computers, electronics, appliances, and cars….

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Father holding infant outside, both sticking out their tongues

Connecting the Dots Between Language and Literacy Learning: Part Two

By Health and Well-Being

Today we will share a few strategies to help support language and literacy development simultaneously within family activities with family members who are home and who may be deployed or stationed elsewhere. But first, we left you with one word of caution related to early literacy intervention – Try to control the summer camp persona.  It is important for home visitors to remember that not everyone has or loves glue sticks, paints, and safety scissors.  You can substitute sidewalk chalk for paint, use water or soap bubbles to draw pictures outside, draw or write letters on tablets or smart phones and screen capture the image, or use fruit for edible art. 

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Father holding toddler and pointing

Connecting the Dots Between Language and Literacy Learning: Part One

By Health and Well-Being

Recent research has reaffirmed the importance of language and literacy for children’s future academic success and has increasingly recognized the central importance of the family in the development of each.  Interactions that occur between a parent and child such as comforting them when they cry, repeating their babbling, or pointing at and naming pictures in a book all serve to strengthen the child’s communication and social skills while building neural connections that support future development.

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