There are many factors that affect behavior, such as attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD), language difficulties, information processing disabilities, prenatal/postnatal conditions, and others. Behavior is usually labeled as positive or challenging. However, it is important for professionals to understand that many children display “mistaken behavior,” and this “behavior” must be viewed as a way of understanding the child and what the child is trying to communicate. It is critical that professionals use positive guidance practices to teach the child appropriate responses to different situations. In this webinar we discuss the factors that impact children’s behavior and how professionals respond to the different behaviors children present.
Learning Objectives:
In this webinar we will:
1. Determine the impact of physiological and conditional factors that impact behavior in young children (birth – 5 years)
2. Identify and explain the three levels of Harlow’s mistaken behavior.
3. Describe the considerations that must be taken when children display mistaken behavior.
4. Describe how guidance can be used to reduce the need for mistaken behavior.