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Decoding Challenges: Understanding Adversity, Trauma, and Developmental Delay

April 10 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm EDT

Elementary School Teacher Giving Female Pupil One To One Support In Classroom

About This Webinar

In this session, professionals will learn how to distinguish between neurodiversity or potential disability and the impacts of trauma or mental health concerns in children and students ages from birth to age 22. Participants will understand how to discern whether challenges are due to a disability or delay versus environmental or circumstantial factors like deployment, caregiver illness, or grief. Attendees will gain insights on when to pursue a special education evaluation and when to monitor while providing necessary supports. This session will provide knowledge needed to make informed decisions, ensuring the best outcomes for students will also be discussed.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define and differentiate between adversity and trauma
  • Understand the developmental sequelae of childhood adversity and trauma
  • Understand age-related learning processes and outcomes in the context of adversity and trauma
  • Identify variability in developmental trajectories of children and youth exposed to adversity and trauma
  • Identify trauma-informed educational strategies to help promote learning and development through appropriate support services (e.g., early intervention, infant mental health, special education)


Carlo Panlilio, Ph.D.

Dr. Carlo Panlilio is an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and a faculty member with the Social Science Research Institute’s Child Maltreatment Solutions Network at the Pennsylvania State University. His research foci include a) adversity, self-regulation, and learning; b) application of novel methodologies to prevention and intervention; and c) trauma-informed systems. Dr. Panlilio previously worked as a family therapist in private practice, community agencies, treatment foster care, and a residential treatment facility for adolescents.

Continuing Education (CE) Credit

  • Certified in Family and Consumer Sciences (CFCS)This webinar is pending approval for 1.5 continuing education (CE) credits from the American Association for Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS). Note: Eligibility for CE credit will close 4/10/2027.
  • Early Interventionists and Early Childhood Educators: This webinar is pending approval for 1.5 continuing education (CE) credits from the Early Intervention Training Program (EITP) at the University of Illinois. 
  • Illinois Early Care & Education Providers: This webinar is a Gateways to Opportunity Registry-approved Training for early care and education professionals in Illinois through 6/30/2026.
  • Certified Family Life Educators (CFLE): This webinar is pending approval for 1.5 continuing education (CE) credits from the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). Note: Eligibility for CE credit will close 4/10/2030.
  • Michigan Certified Teachers: This webinar has been approved for 1.5 SCECH from the Michigan Education Association’s Center for Leadership and Learning. 
  • Social Workers, Licensed Professional Counselors, and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists: This webinar is pending approval for 1.5 continuing education (CE) credits from the University of Texas at Austin, Steve Hicks School of Social Work. Check with your state licensing agency for reciprocity and/or credit approval if licensed for other professions or in one of the following states: CO, FL, HI, IA, KS, KY, MI, NY, ND, OH, OK. Note: Eligibility for CE credit will close 4/10/2027.
  • OneOp Certificates of Attendance are available for those interested in additional documentation of professional development activities.

Event Materials

Webinar slides and resources will be added the day prior to the live session.

Webinar Flyer

Photo Credit: IStock – 544968812


April 10
11:00 am - 12:30 pm EDT
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How To Join

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If you are unable to join the webinar via Zoom, please view the live-streamed webinar at

More Info

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Continuing Education Credits Available
Uniquely Wired: A Deep Dive into Diverse Cognitive Variations
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