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Continuing Education Credit: CDR

Building Cultural Competence in Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutrition disparities are pervasive among cultural minorities. Improving the nutritional status of a diverse clientele requires accounting for the cultural aspects informing their eating practices and prioritizing culture-specific needs.

Keeping Our Brains Healthy as We Age

Your brain functions best when it gets premium fuel in the form of good nutrition.  A poor diet can be harmful to the brain, promote inflammation and oxidative stress. This webinar presents strategies for nourishment to promote healthy brain aging.

Communication for Patients with Low Nutrition Literacy

Nutrition education is a necessary measure for disease prevention and treatment, yet nearly half of Americans experience difficulty with understanding and communicating health information. Nutrition educators must be able to understand issues surrounding nutrition literacy and use effective communication techniques in order to reach goals of improving diet and related health outcomes.

The 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans – New Revisions and Uses

Every 5 years, the government publishes the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (Guidelines). This webinar discusses the process used to develop the 2020 Guidelines, examines how recommendations have changed since the 2015 edition of the Guidelines, and explores what the changes might mean for your family and your clients.

Preparing for Disasters during a Pandemic

This webinar addresses the unique planning and preparations necessary when families experience multiple disasters and hazards simultaneously.

Food Waste vs Food Safety: A Balancing Act

This webinar examines the problem of food waste and how we as consumers can safely reduce the amount of food waste in our homes. One of the biggest contributors to food waste is produce and as such, this webinar provides insight into how to properly handle, store and increase the shelf life of food in the home.

Supporting Client Health Through Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating is a dynamic mind-body integration of instinct, emotion, and rational thought. It provides a self-care framework for eating that honors authentic health by improving the complex connections within our bodies to allow us to more accurately meet our body’s needs.