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Resilience Series

About This Series

This groundbreaking webinar series brings together three pre-eminent resilience theorists and researchers, Dr. Ann Masten, Dr. Froma Walsh, and Dr. Michael Ungar, to share insight on addressing barriers, identifying various systems and promoting protective factors to support individual, family and community resilience.

In this series, participants practice resilience thinking and learn how to apply the principles from this series in their work.


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Nurturing Individual Resilience from a Multisystem Developmental Perspective

In this webinar, Dr. Masten discusses contemporary perspectives on resilience from a developmental systems perspective, highlighting research findings and their implications for practice.

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Nurturing Family Resilience Through a Strengths-Based Framework

This webinar presents core principles and guidelines in Dr. Walsh’s research-informed Family Resilience Practice Framework, identifying key relational processes that couples and families can build for resilience through difficult times.

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Nurturing Resilience Through a Strong Community

Throughout this fast-paced, story-filled presentation, Dr. Ungar uses examples from his work with individuals and families facing challenges big and small. He explores a dozen of the most important factors that contribute to the resilience of individuals and their communities.

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Podcast Episodes

FACTS of Resilience

In this episode, OneOp Family Transitions team members Ellie McCann and Sara Croymans discuss how the FACTS resiliency framework can be used to help military families navigate transitions.

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Child & Youth Programs Embed 7 C’s of Resiliency

In this episode Laura Groeneweg and Mel Johnson, Child and Youth Program Coordinators in Minnesota, talk about how there needs to be a supportive adult in the life of each child. They also go into detail about the 7 C’s of Resiliency and how they as military service providers embed them in child and youth programming events.

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A Refocus on the Intersection of Vulnerabilities and Resilient Factors of the Heterogenous Military Family

In this episode, Dr. Jay Mancini shares his research on resilience and vulnerabilities of individuals, families, and communities, and their multiple intersections. His samples include military Service members, military youth, Veterans and their families.

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FOCUSing on Strengthening Military Families from a Family Systems Perspective

In this episode, Dr. Patricia Lester shares about her work and research that has focused on developing and disseminating preventive interventions, practices, and policies that support child and family resilience in the context of trauma and adversity.

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Helping Military Families Become More Resilient Through Various Transitions

In this episode you will hear about tools for building individual and family resilience, and practical applications for strengthening individual and family processes for resilience.

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Give the Gift of Resilience to Yourself and Others

By Karen Shirer, Ph.D. Resilience is a perfect gift to give others. It costs little or nothing, and makes a positive difference in our own and other people’s lives.  I recently read an article on how leaders and managers can promote resilience in their organizations. It got me thinking that…

Moving from resilience to thriving: Supporting military-connected youth and families

By Karen Beranek; adapted by Karen Shirer Resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges For much of the past two years, youth in military-connected families have focused their energy on being resilient and building coping and adapting skills in the face of challenges. COVID-19, racial injustice, and family economic instability…

Strengthening Military Families’ Resilience and Readiness in an Uncertain World

By Karen Shirer, Ph.D. Summary The conflict in Ukraine is what the U.S. military has prepared and trained for to be ready when the need arises. Both service members and their families are on heightened alert. Family service providers play an important role in supporting military families through deployment and…

Building Resilience as an Employability Skill

By Lakshmi Mahadevan, Ph.D. For individuals with disabilities, the process of finding and keeping a job can be anxiety-provoking. Learning and applying skills such as resume writing, job application, cover letter writing, interviewing, communicating on the job, and work ethic can all test one’s resilience. It is, therefore, necessary that…

Preparing Military Families for Natural Disasters by Utilizing Resiliency Skills

By: Jennifer Rea, PhD. The first hurricane I experienced was when my husband and I were stationed in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Growing up in the Midwest, hurricanes were not the natural disaster to worry about. Instead, we prepared for tornadoes. Due to our unfamiliarity with hurricanes, my husband I were…

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The Impact of Resilience

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The Highly Mobile, but Very Resilient: Identifying and Addressing School- and Transition-Related Needs of Military Youth

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Go Beyond the Webinar| Nurturing Family Resilience Through a Strengths-Based Framework

On August 22, 2019, in the second webinar within our OneOp Resilience Series, Dr. Froma Walsh provided her insight and expertise on building resilience through tough times for couples and families. Dr. Walsh highlighted how highly stressful adverse situations impact the whole family and, in turn, how families dealing with…

Resilience Matters for Military Families

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Upcoming Webinars| Resilience Series

MFLN’s Family Transitions, Family Development, and Network Literacy are gearing up for our upcoming Resilience Series, which will take place in just a few weeks beginning on August 20 and continuing on August 22 and August 27. Each webinar in the series will begin at 11 AM EST and end…

Helping Military Families Become More Resilient Through Various Transitions

By: Jennifer Rea, PhD Why do some military families bounce back after stressful transitions (e.g., transitioning into civilian life), while others struggle to readjust? Cover image and logo- used with permission from the   Military life is dynamic and interrelated with its own life challenges (1).  Service members and…

Understanding Resilience as a Dynamic Process

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Exploring Resilience

  By: Sara Croymans We hear a lot about the concept of resilience in relation to military service members and families. When I think of resilience the concepts of bouncing back or overcoming adversities come to mind. Resilience may be thought of as a trait, a process or an outcome…