by Sara Croymans
Military couples and families experience unique challenges with frequent relocation, deployment, and reintegration. Healthy military couple relationships are vital in maintaining mission and family readiness but require an intentional investment of time and effort.
The OneOp Family Transitions team invites service providers working with military families to participate in our webinar series, “A Close Look at Relationships: Supporting Military Couples”. This series shares research on the impact of military life on families, as well as tools and resources for service professionals to assist military couples and families in strengthening relationships. Plan to participate in the final two webinars in the series on April 12 and May 12 and check out the archived previous webinars which can be viewed at your convenience. Free Continuing Education credits are available for each webinar.
Upcoming Webinars
Military Children’s Family Relationships (April 12, 2022) presented by Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth and Shawn Whiteman. The well-being of military children depends heavily on the quality of their relationships with their parents and siblings. This webinar will focus on evidence about the role of military service in shaping children’s family relationships, how those relationships connect to their well-being and adjustment, and how practitioners can use this evidence to support military families.
The Relationship Changes of Military Couples During Reintegration (May 12, 2022) presented by Dr. Lynne Knobloch-Fedders. Following their return home from deployment, military couples experience a wide variety of changes in their relationship. This webinar will explore the findings of a longitudinal study of military couples during the reintegration period and provide recommendations for prevention and intervention services designed to help military couples negotiate relationship changes.
Previous Webinars
If you missed any of the first three webinars in the series, the archived recordings are available. Check these out:
Destigmatizing Help-Seeking for Military Couples (November 10, 2021) View this archived webinar at a time convenient to you to learn about the Office of Military Community and Family Policy’s “Re the We” campaign, designed to help break down barriers, destigmatize help-seeking, and inspire more people to get relationship support. Discover tools and resources to help rekindle, repair, and reset relationships! Presenter: Kelly Smith.
The Relationship Checkup: Support for Military Couples, (December 8, 2021) This webinar introduces the Relationship Checkup which can provide couples with the best available ongoing relationship support to heal, strengthen, and maintain their relationship health. Presenters: Dr. James Cordova and Kelly Smith.
Millennium Cohort Family Study: The Impact of Military Life, (February 1, 2022) Explore the findings of the Millennium Cohort Family Study to understand the military experience and its impact on the health and well-being of service members and their families. Presenters: Valerie Stander, Hope McMaster, and Jacqueline Pflieger.
In addition, take a peek at these blog posts about healthy relationships:
Writers Biography
Sara Croymans, MEd, AFC, University of Minnesota Extension Educator, member of the OneOp Family Transitions team, military spouse, and mother.