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Practicing Connection Together (Ep. 0.5)

SUBSCRIBE NOW Listen now: About this episode: In this mini-episode, hosts Jessica Beckendorf and Bob Bertsch introduce the Practicing Connection in a Complex World podcast and invite participants to join them in practicing connection. Transcript Bob: Welcome to “Practicing Connection in a Complex World,” an exploration of personal and collective...

Building Cultural Competence in Nutrition and Dietetics

Nutrition disparities are pervasive among cultural minorities. Improving the nutritional status of a diverse clientele requires accounting for the cultural aspects informing their eating practices and prioritizing culture-specific needs.

Transformational Relationships

SUBSCRIBE NOW Listen now: About this episode: (Season 1, Episode 1) In this episode, hosts Jessica Beckendorf and Bob Bertsch explore the ideas and practices related to transformational relationships. What makes a relationship transformational? How is it different than other relationships? What can we do to make our relationships more...

Field Guide to Family Advocacy: Knowledge, Resources, and Supports for Military Families of Children with Disabilities Course

Visit the Field Guide to Family Advocacy course homepage for content details and continuing education information. This four-part, asynchronous learning module was created by the OneOp’s Early Intervention team. The interactive course focuses on the rights of young children with disabilities in military families, eligibility for special education programs and...


SUBSCRIBE NOW Listen now: About this episode: (Season 1, Episode 2) In this episode, hosts Jessica Beckendorf and Bob Bertsch explore different perspectives on collaboration. Is there a mindset that leads to collaboration? How can we encourage collaborations that create something new? What makes for a good collaboration? Jessica and...

Keeping Our Brains Healthy as We Age

Your brain functions best when it gets premium fuel in the form of good nutrition.  A poor diet can be harmful to the brain, promote inflammation and oxidative stress. This webinar presents strategies for nourishment to promote healthy brain aging.

Community Resilience

SUBSCRIBE NOW Listen now: About this episode: (Season 1, Episode 3) In this episode, hosts Jessica Beckendorf and Bob Bertsch collaborate with Danielle Swallow and Chris Petrone of Sea Grant Delaware to explore community resilience in the face of hazards and disasters. Danielle and Chris have been integrating resilience into...

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