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Intentional Design: Promoting Positive Behavior

About This Series

The Early Intervention team’s four-part webinar series for 2020 focuses on
promoting positive behavior in young children. This webinar series covers the ABCs and the function of behavior, multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), environmental arrangement, working with families, and promoting friendship and belonging.

headshot of Dr. Hardy
Jessica Hardy – professor of special education, College of Education

Jessica Hardy received her Ph.D. in early childhood special education from Vanderbilt University and her M.Ed. and B.A. from the University of Florida.  She taught in Portland, OR as a Head Start teacher and an early childhood special education teacher.  Jessica’s primary research interests are supporting social-emotional development; evidence-based instructional practices, particularly for teaching early math and science; and early childhood coaching and professional development.

Behavior Basics: Laying the Groundwork for Positive Change

Dr. Hardy explains the ways in which multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) can be utilized to manage challenging behavior for all children, but especially children with disabilities or who have experienced trauma.  The use of tally sheets, forms, and checklists to inform decisions that support positive behavior and sustain behavioral change is also addressed.

Creating Space: Arranging Environments to Promote Positive Behavior

This webinar provides practical strategies and resources early childhood practitioners can easily implement in their work.  Useful tools for navigating transitions, routines, and communicating expectations and rules are shared.

Let’s Work Together: Building Relationships with Families to Support Positive Behavior

This webinar addresses ways practitioners can connect with and include families of young children with disabilities in identifying and implementing strategies to support positive behavior at school, childcare, and home.  Presenters share tips for navigating difficult conversations with families regarding challenging behavior.

Make New Friends: Promoting Friendship and Belonging

This webinar explores how early childhood practitioners can create a culture of friendship and belonging for all children.  Friendship skills and strategies to support their development in young children with and without disabilities in inclusive environments are addressed.

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