Culture is community, and the military has its own distinct culture. Living in the military community can be difficult for some children, youth, and their families. For the MDT (Multidisciplinary Team) who work with those children, youth, and their families, it is important to be cognizant of the importance of DEIB frameworks (i.e., military, racial/ethnic, religious).
Voting is not just a right; it’s a powerful way to shape the future. But for many individuals with disabilities, navigating the voting process can feel like an uphill battle. Whether you’re an individual with disabilities or assisting someone who is, voting in person, by mail, or with special accommodations, it’s essential to be informed and prepared.
Military spouses face challenges in gaining and maintaining meaningful employment. A military family’s economic security is critical to mission readiness. As such, spouse employment can greatly contribute to financial readiness.
The U.S. population aged 65 and older grew nearly five times faster than the total population between 1920 and 2020, according to the 2020 Census. By 2030, over 20% of the U.S. population will be 65 years or older, with the most significant growth occurring among those aged 80 and older, who face the highest risk of disability (Keita Fakeye et al., 2022).
Childhood obesity is a growing concern worldwide, with significant implications for both short-term and long-term health. In the United States, the prevalence of childhood obesity has been increasing exponentially in recent decades.
Imagine two people sitting across from each other. They are making eye contact and their hands are up, gliding slowly through the air. They appear to be mimicking each other. One of them – you can’t tell which – is leading the other. The facilitator tells them to switch leaders, and just like that, they seamlessly switch and now their movements change a bit, yet they are still moving together.
High-quality child care programs are settings in which children receive enriching experiences and engage in responsive interactions that promote their development and learning (Barnett et al., 2010). All child licensed care programs meet minimum licensing requirements in their state, which focus primarily on health and safety. High-quality programs meet standards that go beyond the minimum.
School-related practitioners make decisions that affect students and families every day. The Council for Exceptional Children’s (CEC) Ethical Principle and Practice Standards and the Division for Early Childhood’s (DEC) Position Statement on Ethical Practices remind practitioners to use best available evidence in decision-making.
Empathetic communication allows for deeper connections, clearer communication, and trust-building for stronger relationships. For service providers, professional goals often include understanding people’s experiences, accessing needs, and providing personalized treatment plans and services.
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) providers play a critical role in supporting military families who have dependents with special needs. However, it’s essential for providers to create clear boundaries to ensure that parents and caregivers are empowered to advocate for their care recipients.