OneOp’s collection of programming series explores a diverse range of topics tailored specifically for service providers. We are delighted to offer this curated and developed collection of online learning opportunities meticulously crafted by our team of subject matter experts, with the aim of providing you with research-based information, timely resources, and valuable insights.
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Uniquely Wired: A Deep Dive into Diverse Cognitive Variations
By embracing a neurodiverse perspective, education-related professionals and caregivers can foster a more inclusive and supportive environment at school and home that recognizes and celebrates cognitive differences as integral to the rich tapestry of human diversity.
Economic Readiness and Military Family Well-Being
The series will equip service providers with the skills necessary to support family well-being while navigating the terrain of economic security for military service members and families.
Thriving Together: Fostering Emotional Resilience in Children & Youth
These webinars will provide participants with foundational knowledge to best support the military-connected and civilian children they serve with and without disabilities.
Nutrition and Food Security
This series will cover programs that address nutrition and food security as it affects service members and their families.
That’s the Ticket: Exploring Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
This webinar series defines IECMH and provides participants with knowledge, awareness, strategies, and tools to support the healthy socioemotional development of children ages birth to 5 years old.
Food Security in Focus
Join OneOp as we focus on expanding food security for the military family and mobilizing family service professionals to work together at federal, state, and local levels.
Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth (SBCY)
This series addresses normal sexual behavior in children in addition to exploring cautionary and problematic sexual behavior (PSB) that children may display.
A Close Look at Relationships: Supporting Military Couples
This webinar series shares research on the impact of military life on families, as well as tools and resources for service professionals to assist military couples and families in strengthening relationships.
Sunrise to Sunset: Supporting Children with Autism through Their Day
This webinar series focuses on supporting young children with autism and their families by guiding us through steps in the lives of families of children with autism.
1-2-3 Play with Me! Recognizing and Valuing the Power of Play
In this series, we will examine how children are naturally curious and learn best through practice and observation, as well as gain strategies for being a strong play partner.
Intentional Design: Promoting Positive Behavior
This webinar series covers the function of behavior, multi-tiered systems of support, environmental arrangement, working with families, and promoting friendship and belonging.