Military spouses face many challenges in obtaining and maintaining full- and part-time employment. The federal government is committed to helping military spouses find rewarding careers.
Military spouses face many challenges in obtaining and maintaining full- and part-time employment. The federal government is committed to helping military spouses find rewarding careers.
Food insecurity is a global health problem affecting millions of people around the world. About 9.2% of the global population experienced hunger in 2022 (World Health Organization[WHO], 2023) and close to half of all deaths of children below the age of 5 years globally are related to undernutrition (WHO, 2024).
Many researchers have looked at the connection between financial attitudes and relationship health. While these findings are well-documented in civilian populations, less is known about how financial dynamics play out in the military family context. Learn about recent research exploring the connection between financial attitudes, financial management, and relationship satisfaction in military couples.
Erikson (1968) describes the period of adolescence as one that is based on identity formation, with adolescents breaking away from parental and societal expectations as they explore different ideas, values, behaviors, and attitudes until they find what resonates with them. Zohar et al. (2018) note that adolescence is a period of instability, with an adolescent’s personality and identity changing substantially over time.
Supporting the mental well-being of youth and teens is a top priority for many mental health professionals today. The age group of 12-18 year olds are developing the social and emotional habits that will lead them into adulthood. With school transitions, new friend groups, and opportunities, many are navigating and handling stress in new ways, for the first time. Youth in military families have added pressures to their lives that are unique, from parental deployments to frequent family moves. With all this considered, it is vitally important to consider and be familiar with assessing for suicidal ideation and self-harm behaviors when working with youth clients.
As many military spouses are seeking out remote options, it’s important for service providers working in the employment space to stay informed on legislative changes and priorities that shape remote opportunities. In this blog, we highlight the recent Presidential Memorandum: Return to In-Person Work, and the subsequent exemption for military spouses and foreign service spouses.
Mental health disorders have become prominent in recent decades and are a major health concern in many countries globally. About 970 million people around the world had a mental health disorder in 2019 according to the World Health Organization (World Health Organization, 2022).
Caregiving can be a monumental task, and no one person can do it alone. Whether the care recipient is aging, disabled, or facing a chronic illness, the responsibility of providing care can be overwhelming.
Professionals can impact the development of recovery capital (RC) in clients with a history of substance use disorder or addiction. Personal RC includes both physical and human capital. Essentially, it is the combination of resources one has available to aid them in overcoming substance use challenges.
Changing long-standing workplace habits can be a significant challenge for midlife professionals who have been in their careers for years. Start small and work together. In this blog, we will explore various ways to empower midlife workers who support military spouses.