Military and civilian families encounter various stressors that reflect their unique circumstances. In this blog, you’ll discover strategies to alleviate stress related to military spouse unemployment. For military spouses, managing stress and utilizing available resources is essential for personal and family growth.
Promoting military fathers’ positive involvement in caring for and raising children is a protective factor and promotes positive family functioning. Children exhibit fewer risk behaviors and engage in healthier, positive social skills when their parents are actively involved (El Nokali et al., 2010).
Storytelling is a universal experience that transcends cultural boundaries, connecting us through shared narratives. It serves as a powerful tool for enhancing cultural competence by allowing us to explore and understand diverse perspectives.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness and supporting those affected by breast cancer. This month also emphasizes the importance of survivorship, and one critical element of that journey is maintaining proper nutrition.
Students receiving special education services (IDEA, 2004) periodically transition to new programs (e.g., early intervention [EI] to early childhood special education [ECSE], middle to high school). Many students, including students from military families, will move to a new location at various points in their lives (see Williams et al., 2020).
Whether you’re supporting a service member transitioning to civilian employment, alongside a military spouse, or helping both as they explore options for their child(ren), discover four ways for military families to plan for education expenses.
Access to nutritious food is a fundamental right, yet millions of Americans struggle with food insecurity, a challenge closely linked to the rise in diet-related chronic diseases. The “Food is Medicine” movement is gaining momentum across the United States as an innovative response to this issue, emphasizing that food can play a pivotal role in improving health outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, and addressing systemic inequities (Lofton & Peterson, 2023).
How to set compassionate boundaries that protect your well-being while supporting others. This guide explores practical steps for tuning into your feelings, communicating clearly, and fostering healthier relationships in your professional life.
Students who receive special education services will transition into new settings, such as from early intervention (EI) to preschool or middle to high school (IDEA, 2004). Although many families make transitions at other points such as a military family’s deployment, here transition refers to moves between programs when a child “graduates” from one setting to the next.
Military life is synonymous with change. Military family practitioners know that, for service members and their families, transitions are a constant companion. From relocations to deployments, the military lifestyle demands adaptability, resilience, and a strong support system. Understanding these transitions and learning how to navigate them can make all the difference in maintaining family cohesion and individual well-being.